Sunday, 7 October 2012

the script ablum analysis

 The script
the front of the digipack is an interpretation and symbolisims of their album. it consists of the tops of houses, flats and chimneys with a arm holding up a woman and man minus his head which is replaces with a rainbow, the bands name is then hung down by string into the image.

as well as on th front of the ablum there is a sticker sayinf parental guidance as some of their songs contain explict lyrics this is to noticify the buyer of the ablum so that they no what is within some of the songs lyrics.

the other sticker on the front of the digipack is saying that the ablum includes their hit singles and that if you insert this cd in to your computer you can see exculsive band footage and videos for the music. this helps them to communicate to their audience by letting them into behind the scenes footage.

 the back of the digipack is plain with the band name/logo written clearly on the top with the songs on the ablum written in big tall writing giving the sense of this being a serious, heartfelt ablum. as well as them highlighting a bonus track for the buyer.

the back of the ablum also contains the barcode, as well as their record labels logosand information about the company.the side of the digipack is plain and just states the bands name.
the Cd itself is balck with the bands name written in white, (contrasting colours) around the bottom of the cd it has the year of release and their record labels logos and information as well as were it was made.

the little booklet inside the digipack contains deications and thankyous to the people that have been their and helped the band get were they are today. followed by lyrics of the songs so the audience can sing along and learn the words to the songs which are all accompanied by animated images of song representations. then their are images of the band with a cityscape of london behind them. and at the back of the booklet their is a breakdown of who wrote each of the songs, who produced them where they recored the lyrics and where the music was mixed.


  1. You need to present this more creatively, I suggest a directors commentary or a prezi in order to make this a level 4 post.

    At the moment, this is a low level 3.

  2. L2 - Basic research
    This is a CD case - NOT a Digipack
    How many panels
    What did previous students work look like - thats why you needed to look at their campaigns
